Monday, 25 March 2013

Further to the public mud slinging between the Royal Society's Sir Paul Nurse and Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation, the GWPF have today published correspondence between the two great men following Sir Paul's recent lecture at Melbourne University, see 17th February post, in which he accused Lawson of cherry picking data to further his (Lawson's) climate change denial agenda. Sir Paul has offered to put Lord Lawson in touch with eminent climate scientists to offer GWPF "informed scientific advice" seeing as it has "lost its way". He also called for GWPF to reveal who their funders are.

Good Question. Essential reading

Today also Sir John Beddington did the rounds of the news channels to tell us all that climate change is "completely unequivocal". Interestingly this was sandwiched between the extreme snow reports and the extreme weather forecast.

However, Sir Paul Nurse's letter to Lord Lawson has not cramped the GWPF's style and the GWPF manage to engineer the ridiculous headline "Benny Peiser Sceptical of John Beddington's Climate Alarm", including the observation "If you can heat your home in the cold winter, then that’s not a big problem. If you can cool your home in a hot summer, then that’s not a problem. If you have houses that can withstand storms, then we don’t have a problem". Quite remarkable. 

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