Sunday, 4 November 2012

Lost. Rees-Mogg fracking articles gone missing.

On the 21st June 2012 in an article in the Chew Valley Gazette Mr Rees-Mogg MP said that “Planning is an area where I think informed local consent needs to be central to any approval”.

Mr Rees-Mogg has published three newspaper articles in the local press on shale gas fracking in the Somerset Guardian, the MN&R Journal and the Chew Valley Gazette (October page 20). In these articles Mr Rees-Mogg expressed a personal view in support of fracking based on flawed information from a confused Reuters news report, rather than relying on freely available credible information from the UK Government Department of Energy and Climate Change and the British Geological Society, for example: Parliamentary Note on Shale Gas and Fracking

Mr Rees-Mogg’s articles are conspicuous by their absence from his web site. Is Mr Rees-Mogg taking a selective view of history?

Is this the best way for the electorate to be informed?

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